Seminar #4 – The Great Commission

The final seminar in our series addresses the bottom line of the Church’s responsibility, the Great Commission. All else being in place, this will be the result.

To follow along in the Slide Guide Workbook, CLICK HERE.

Hour One. Why the Church? An overview of why the church exists, and how it enters into God’s plan for humanity.

Why the Church

Hour Two. The unfinished task. What is ethnos? Where are the unreached? Why are they unreached?

The Unfinished Task

Hour Three. Characteristics of leadership. The difference between leadership and authority. Ingredients of leadership.

Characteristics of Leadership

Hour Four. The Church from the human perspective. Every member is full time. The three areas of ministry.

The Church

Hour Five. Why are some called to stay home? The task of the local church. The four responsibilities of the local church.

The Role of the Local Assembly

Hour Six. Scriptural giving. The principle of tithe. The law of tithe. The benefits of giving. The seed consumed and the seed sown.

Scriptural Giving